Simple Definition of Cheat

  • : to break a rule or law usually to gain an advantage at something

  • : to take something from (someone) by lying or breaking a rule

  • : to prevent (someone) from having something that he or she deserves or was expecting to get

Definition of Lie

noun \ˈlī\
  1. 1a  :  an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceiveb  :  an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker

  2. 2:  something that misleads or deceives

I’ve been wanting to know the difference between “cheating” and “lying” because most of the time I would hear this the same lame excuse, “I lied but I didn’t cheat”. Technically, cheating is a kind of lying wherein it is for the benefit of one’s own sake at the expense of the other person. It is risking the trust of the people who trusted you the most. Basically, lying is simply not telling the truth while cheating is making the lie the truth for their own good and benefit. You lied because you want to getaway from the consequences of cheating and wanting not to get caught. Who would want to get caught, anyway? You break the rule of being open and honest to the person who have trust in you just because of your own desire. Cheating is something you do against someone else’s back in the context of lying. You wouldn’t be lying if you were not asked, right? But you know you cheated because you did something that is against to the other person. To make it simple, cheating is plainly being selfish and self-centered.

It’s pretty damn hard to accept that you have been cheated and yet you’re still there hanging around. Holding on hoping that one day, you’ll forget whatever happened. But it kept happening and happening until you notice that person is longer the person once you thought they were. Sometimes, “sorry” won’t heal everything in just a snap. Promises are sometimes like pain relievers temporarily making the person feel secured once again but after sometimes the same mistake happens again. The pain it caused can’t be healed overnight, though. It takes a lot of process, from the first few days of purely crying and asking “why” over and over up until the last day wherein you are able to trust people again with all your heart. You must be familiar with the pain but you’re still crying over the same old shit. You still can’t believe that they cheated on you after so many times you caught them. You’re willing to take the “moving on” process all over again because you have this super soft spot in your heart. The question is: why are you still here? Do you still believe that this will work once more and they’ll change from being cheater to being honest? Well, maybe there is a chance. But chances are limited. Chances are not given multiple times. Asking for chances is as hard as asking for a time machine it cannot be given in just a snap (remember: up to this day, there is no time machine). Now, you should remember that. You have to count the chances you are giving away. Don’t make it unlimited and overflowing otherwise you might be giving them the chance to take you for granted which is worse. Okay? You go, girl!

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